On This Date in 1973...
In the longest Mets/Dodgers game ever, Rusty Staub doubles home Cleon Jones in the top of the 19th inning, to put the Mets ahead to stay. Run-scoring hits from Ken Boswell and Ed Kranepool extend the lead, as the New Yorkers go on to a 7-3 victory. Jim McAndrew retires L.A. in the bottom of the inning, in a marathon ending at 4:42am New York time.
- Rusty finished with five hits on the night in nine at-bats.
- All 19 of the Dodgers hits were singles -- Willie Davis had six of them.
- Tom Seaver and Tommy John were the game's starting pitchers. Between them, they totaled 599 career victories. But on this night, neither finished the 7th inning,