On This Date in 1973...

George M. Steinbrenner III leads a group of investors who purchase the Yankees from CBS for $8.8 million dollars.  Despite claims that this would be "absentee ownership" and he would "stick to building ships," the onetime graduate assistant to Woody Hayes would become the most famous owner in sports, overseeing a revival of the once mighty franchise, leading it to seven World Series in his 37 years as the helm -- and in the process, the outspoken and often impulsive executive becomes as big a celebrity as any of his legendary players.

Is it any surprise that his is the largest monument in Yankee Stadium, strategically placed to hover above those for its  earliest and most enduring legends, Lou Gehrig, Miller Huggins and Babe Ruth.
Like him, love him or hate him, The Boss gets credit for ending a period of malaise when after becoming New York's "other ballclub," and making the Yankees matter again.

Hit the comment tab and share your memories and opinion of George M. Streinbrenner.


Bill Barry said…
If George was still here, both Cashman and Boone would have been fired!

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