A Little Help From My Friends

Thanks to former WCBS-FM colleague Phil DeGasperis for this pair. (Above) The impressive entrance of the Stadium. (Below) Sunset during a night game in the Bronx. CCNY classmate Bryan Nazario -- whose stunning black-and-whites from the thunderstorm-soaked doubleheader in August 1968 were featured in a prior entry -- took the Stadium tour this past spring. As you can see, he made it to the Stadium press box before I did. Finally, a few more of mine -- this one from the 2000 season. Time-stamp this one June 25th, 2005: Outside the park, a smokestack used during the 1970s renovation painted to resemble a bat and became a landmark, visible from the Major Deegan Expressway -- and a popular spot to meet friends before or after a game.