De-constructing Shea

Driving past Shea Stadium in recent weeks, I've seen a unique process -- the de-constuction of a ballpark. With its replacement Citi Field nearing completion, the Mets have decided to dismantle their old home, instead of knocking it down -- implosion, the controlled explosion process, is apparently not permitted in New York. ( CLICK ON ANY PICTURE to view it full sized .) So while the Mets said "Goodbye Shea" last September, those driving up the Whitestone Expressway have had a longer time to say farewell -- step-by-step, girder-by-girder. Thus, a rather unique chapter in this baseball gallery. While Shea slowly fades from view, Mets fans can already see their impressive new home. This New York Times story offers more details on what you've just seen: l