Red Sox Again... Their 3rd in 10

As the Boston Herald put it "Chumps to Champs." MVP David Ortiz was the dominant bat as the Red Sox took the World Series in six games over the Cardinals. After hitting an unworldly .688 over the first five games, St. Louis changed their strategy last night -- simply not giving him anything to hit. Four walks, three intentional, as he scored twice while Boston nailed down the series with a 6 - 1 victory. The intimidating look, complete with mirrored sunglasses almost makes him seem like Robocop. More vitally, he helped symbolize his city's renaissance. In a season that began with the tragedy of the Boston Marathon bombing, Ortiz's emotional speech about "our bleeping city" and the B Strong patches were a marching call as the Red Sox turned around 2012's 69-win failure into their third World Series crown of the century -- the most in baseball.