Baseball Birthdays

Today, July 29th , doesn't include any Hall of Famers... but features several players worth noting: Jack Suwinski, the Pirates rookie outfielder who emphasizes power over batting average. While hovering around the .200 mark, he's already belted 14 homers. Chad Billingsley won 83 games in his eight seasons (2006-'13) pitching for the Dodgers. His best year was 2008, when he won 16 games and struck out 201. Luis Alicea spent 13 seasons in the majors. Known for his good defense, he broke in with the Cardinals and later played for four American league teams. Dan Driessen played on three 1970s pennant winners and two World Series champions with the Reds... and ended his career as a bench player on the '87 NL champion Cardinals. The lifetime .267 hitter also owns a "famous first": the first National Leaguer to be a Designated Hitter in a World Series game (1976 vs. the Yankees). Felix Mantilla broke in with the Braves back-to-back pennant winners of 1957 and ...