From Mantle & Maris to Markakis & Millar

Best known as the Yankees pre-season home, the Orioles have spent February and March in Fort Lauderdale since 1996. While no longer the state-of-the-art facility it was when it opened in 1962 -- scenes for SAFE AT HOME, starring Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris and the most avid baseball fan in show biz William Frawley, were shot there -- you still get the up-close-and-personal view of the game that only an 83-hundred seat ballpark provides.

Orioles right fielder Nick Markakis in 2007,making a quick and strong throw back to the infield. Below, another of the other charms of March baseball -- not only will players sign autographs, they'll often do so while a game is still in progress. This is Kevin Millar of the Orioles. 2005 was the season Sammy Sosa played for the O's. He always had good form as a batter -- too bad he chose to artificially enhance his physique during the prime of his career, thus tainting his achievements.The O's are eager to leave Fort Lauderdale Stadium, either for a new ballpark and practice facilities there, or to try and fill the void left in Vero Beach as the Dodgers move to Arizona.


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