The Lakers' Season is Over

With basketball on hiatus for the summer, New Jersey native Jack Nicholson was at Yankee Stadium to follow his second favorite team and sport. During the pre-game rain delay, the camera crew that provides shots for the in-house video screens found him.
Ever the performer, Jack had an eye on the scoreboard and quickly reacted.
Of course, Jack might have been easy to spot. With prices for the best seats still going for $1250, about half the area local sportswriters have dubbed "the moat" remain empty for most games.


Unknown said…
Love your work on the FAN. Great photos, too. This seemed like the only way I could contact you...I'm in the final stages of putting together a book on the 1969 Mets due out this fall and came across your shots from Opening Day 1969. If you have any interest in letting us publish one or two of these shots, please contact me. You can go to to see that this is legit and email through the site. Lived in Fairfield for a few years myself.

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