Happy Homecoming

Matt Holliday spent the first five years of his career as a Rockie -- and just returned to Colorado this week after a decade with the A's, Cardinals and in 2017, the Yankees, where I snapped the image you see here.
A steady power source and respected clubhouse leader, Matt's days as a big leaguer appeared over after illness torpedoed his time in the Bronx. Unsigned as a free agent over the winter, he accepted a mid-summer minor league deal with the Rockies that media-wise, flew under the radar. But his bat came alive again in Albuquerque, leading to his recall to Coors Field a few days ago.
Saturday, in his third game back with the Rockies, his bat spoke loudly. Pinch hitting in the 7th inning, he crushed a John Gant pitch for a home run. A sweet homecoming for a player who broke in as a Rockie, packed the moving van a few time and now returns to where it all began.
With Colorado battling for the NL West title, his veteran bat will be an asset coming off the bench. That's rather fitting, don't you think?


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